Ecosystem Economics

We will describe the basics of envisioned system economics here.

Essential to this is who will cover the infrastructure cost ?

Main cost will be Cloud Operation and Infra Development/Maintenance. Use-Case Development will also inherently bear cost.

IaaS approach would require user to chip-in ? Science CrowdSourcing will start paying after they started getting submissions. They can set the range of "budget" available to the campaign. This is similar to the way ads these day are run through different platform. The advertisers design the campaign based on impact as they see fit. Like watch duration, or click, and so on.

The data/knowledge generated during the process could then be packaged as a digital asset available for mint, rent, share, and trade. These are to be decided as how the project owner see fit, and ideally will be stated clearly in the project initiation. Ownership to the digital assets are also subject to various possibility. For instance the crowdsourcing contributors may as well gain "voting right" over the assets, that is proportional to their contribution to the overall dataset.

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